Case Study

Columella Strut Method, Nasal tip reduction, Nasal Hump Removal, Nasal Osteotomies


Our surgeons have extensive expertise in European aesthetics, ensuring that every nose, regardless of ethnicity, is shaped to perfection.

📍Columella Strut Method, Nasal tip reduction, Nasal Hump Removal, Nasal Osteotomiesr
📸 Left: Before Right: After 1 month

💴💴 Columella Strut Method : ¥110,000
Nasal tip reduction : ¥330,000
Nasal Hump Removal : ¥330,000
Nasal Osteotomies : ¥440,000
including tax
😷DT:Swelling and internal bleeding for about 2 weeks.
⚠️Risks: Infection and Hematoma

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